[歌词]帮忙找一下藤田惠美的一首英文歌:beneath a rowan tree的歌词

来源:百度知道 编辑:UC知道 时间:2024/06/28 00:18:39

Thanks a lot~

beneath a rowan tree

Though I a wanderer be
No home on land or sea
Still my heart returns to thee
In silent reverie
Though on Scotland's bonnie shore
My feet shall tread no more
When I die will you bury me
Beneath a rowan tree
I love thy frosty morn
Where the hunter winds his horn
And thy heathered moors and glens
I'll not roam again
Though on Scotland's purple breast
I no longer take my rest
When I die will you bury me
Beneath a rowan tree
At brave Cunoden's stand
Highland blood like water ran
With 30,000 pounds upon my head
For dear life 1 fled
Oh but though no crown I won
I'll always be yom' native son
So when I die will you bury me
Beneath a rowan tree
Beneath a rowan tree

Beneath A Rowan Tree
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